On this episode, we talk to a professional coach, Penny Cook about emotional intelligence, motivation, over-thinking, organization, living your best life, and more.
Cook lives in Norway and was once a professional trampoline athlete.
Her signature program includes:
Ever find yourself lying awake at night unable to stop your mind from going over the same things? No matter how much you want to be asleep, or stop your mind from working overtime, it just won’t stop?
Yep, that was me a few years ago! I thought about everything, the good, the bad and the ugly! I found myself wishing I was a fly on the wall, to know what people really thought about me. I planned my day/ and week based on worst cased scenarios, then no matter how much I planned… I would wake up in the morning and immediately feel like I was running out of time to get everything done that day!
Nobody can live like this, it is not sustainable!
Do you find that…
Your energy fluctuates?
Your sleep is unreliable?
Your weight management is difficult?
You’re stressed?
You procrastinate!
…and you can go from happy, excited and feeling like you can rule the world, to lethargic, sad and lonely in about 3 seconds flat!
Any of that sound like you?
The power of overthinking is an in depth dive into the negative thought patterns and habitual thinking that obstructs progress, and delays success. Using the power of the mind, neuroscience and a consistent program, habits can be reset, and change inspired, leaving you more productive and efficient! Allowing you to take back control of your time, reduce your stress and allow you to design the life you want!
Visit her website: emo-sense.com
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Scholarly Articles
Robert Forto leaddog@teamineka.com @robertforto
TJ Miller tjmiller@alaska.edu @tjmillerak
Michele Forto micheleforto@gmail.com @micheleforto
Peak Experience is a leadership podcast from Dreamchaser Leadership and First Paw Media. This reporting and production is funded in part by listeners just like you. Dreamchaser Leadership is a non-profit organization located in Alaska and is a (pending) 501(3)c.
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