Bravery Challenge Week 3 | Wellness Wednesdays

Hello and welcome to the Peak Experience podcast, I’m one of the co-hosts, Michele Forto, and I’d like to say thank you for tuning into Wellness Wednesday. Each week we will drop an episode of Wellness Wednesday to offer you insights, information, challenges, and help you stay on track to incorporating wellness into your daily life both personally and professionally, but, before we dive into this week’s episode, I would like to thank those of you who make this podcast possible week after week. This podcast is free to download and will remain that way due in large part because of the support we get from you. For those top supporters we will give a shout out right here at the top of the show. If you want to pledge your support all you must do is visit but there are other ways to support our show as well. Wellness Wednesday is part of Peak Experience. Peak Experience is a company that strives to bring out the best in you and your teams as well as your organization. This podcast has been created to spark your interest and to get you thinking outside the box. Let us help you Reach your Peak!

What if you could listen to a quick podcast and it gave you a tip each week to help you create more wellness and balance in your life personally and professionally. I am not talking about wishy-washy essential oils crap, but real, actionable steps that you can take. Would you do it? Let’s find out, shall we…

Hello and welcome to Wellness Wednesday on Peak Experience. I am your host, Michele Forto. Every Wednesday I will bring you information, trending topics in wellness, and something for you to work on every week to assist you in reaching your optimal wellness.

This week we are on List 3 of 52 for our theme; courage, resilience, and inner strength which are all a part of bravery. We are learning how to apply bravery to developing our routines, opening our minds and creating new ways of seeing not only ourselves but others around us as well. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt backed into a corner, unsure, even a bit shaken?  Did that situation involve a certain type of person that you find difficult to engage?  Maybe even dealing with something unknown, novel, and slightly risky?

This podcast series has been inspired by Moorea Seal. Thank you for the inspiration, encouragement and opportunity to help others spread their wings.

Unlock courage, self-love, and confidence through the empowering practice of list making. Dream the life you want into existence, dedicate yourself to pursuing it, and discovery your own resilience as you work with me to create 52 lists all designed around bravery.

There are many benefits using bravery and courage to overcome situations and issues when dealing with certain people. Being courageous helps you develop and build your self-confidence. But how do we muster up courage when fear binds us up and prevents us from moving forward or in some situations even being able to breathe?

Stephen King said, “The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better”

This week’s list is all about learning how to deal with situations and issues outside of yourself that you would like to build bravery to tackle or face. 

This is week 3/List 3

List the people, situations, and issues outside of yourself that you would like to build the bravery to tackle or face.

This process should only take you about 15 to 30 minutes. The exercise is not meant to tie you up or distract you. It is meant to become part of your everyday routine, a reflection if done at the end of the day, or an inspiration on what to work on if it’s at the beginning of the day.  I encourage you to try both and see what transpires. I completed this exercise myself as I will be on this journey with you, WWand I will be sharing my answers with you. I am open and available for discussion, you can DM on my socials.

This one was tough for me this week. I have been working with clients one-on-one for the better part of 24 years, so there are not too many people, situations or issues that I struggle facing or confronting. Although if I go back to who I was before 1999, that ME would never believe that I would become who I am today.  I went through many changes that year, faced a lot of grief, physical and emotional abuse, and realization that to save my own identity, my self-worth, even my soul that I needed to find the courage and bravery to step off the cliff, so to speak, and walk away. Many of us learn about bravery and courage this way, we are finally pushed to our breaking point. I chose to persevere, to be resilient in the face of darkness, doubt, and detriment. It took me looking deeply into myself to remind myself who I was before the chaos and turmoil that I had allowed to enter into my life and whittle away at my very being.

Even if your list turns out like mine, without naming a person but rather describing a situation, use the courage that you recall from the situation that helped you get through it, or remind yourself of who you actually are, go beyond what “they” tell you, see yourself.

Using bravery to tackle the issues in our lists is how we will grow and move beyond the things that are holding us back, like doubt, insecurity, the unknown, and a big one risk.

Go back to List 1 for a moment. Press pause if you need to.  What words on your list can you see that could help you in creating some action steps for list 2?

Switching careers at this point in my life, brings of up feelings of doubt, unsurety, and fear. To put this challenge to task, the action steps that will assist me are to make a list of what needs to be done to make the switch in my career. How can I use my talents from my current career in the next one? Make a list of those talents. Make a list of things I will need to learn in the new career. Little by little the lists will get shorter as I see correlations between the two lists, making the decision clearer and easier. Taking action is within you control. These are the things that, if you are willing to accept or change them, they will become your tools for facing the challenges in your list.  Allow your list to evolve and change, nothing is written in stone and should be looked at with fresh eyes from time to time so that you can see your own growth.


Now I will ask you to do this week’s task. Get a journal, nothing fancy, use actual pen and paper. The act of writing physically is a cathartic process and will help you break down those barriers. For List 3, list the people, situations, and issues outside of yourself that you would like to build bravery to tackle or face.

Take Action

It’s a whole lot easier to accept or change the external once you have worked on your inner needs and owned them. For the rest of the Dream section of this podcast series, put these external issues to the side so that you can first focus on your internal self. Choose one phrase to motivate yourself to pursue acceptance:

  • I will try, and try again.
  • I am scared, but I will do my best.
  • I give myself permission to set these things aside for now.

This weeks challenge is not easy. Give yourself an opportunity to breathe, close your journal and come back to it later, re-read what you already wrote, expand on it or add a new entry all together. This is all part of the process in learning how to be brave.

I believe in you.

Peak Experience Podcast is brought to you by First Paw Media and Dreamchaser Leadership. We are a leadership development team that is a non-profit, and we are here to inform our listeners how to prompt meaningful change in their communities. Join us on this mission today by supporting our work, go to or follow the link in our show notes.

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I am Michele Forto for the Peak Experience Podcast and First Paw Media. See you next time.

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